Home & GardenPlanning Your Wedding

How Much Does A Wedding Cost? A Detailed List Of Typical Wedding Costs

wedding-costs-by-mrsraggle.jpg With the 2.3 million weddings every year in the U.S. (which is nearly 6,200 weddings a day), there is about $72 billion spent each year weddings!

Last year, the average U.S. couple spent $19,581 on their wedding. The "budget bride" was definitely a trend, since couples spent 10% less than the year before.

This wedding cost estimate is based on the many different aspects that go into making your wedding a success.

From flowers and entertainment to photography and catering, wedding costs can quickly add up!

So, if you’re looking for some price ranges to get an idea of how much your wedding will end up costing, following is a breakdown of all the detailed wedding costs you’re likely to incur…


Typical Wedding Costs


More About Wedding Costs:

Wedding Cost Estimator

Average Wedding Cost Quiz

State by State Wedding Budget Breakdown

Average Wedding Costs By Regions

The True Cost Of A Typical Wedding