In all the hustle and bustle that goes along with planning a wedding, sometimes it’s easy to forget about the wedding favors.
Whether you forgot and now it’s the last minute, or you discovered you didn’t budget enough for wedding favors, there are some very nice workarounds for inexpensive wedding favors.
If the idea of making wedding favors has you feeling dreary, then try one of these easy, simple and cheap methods that still manage to look elegant and tasteful:
- Cut out tulle rounds and then put 3 jordan almonds in the center. Tie it off with a bow whose color matches your bridesmaids’ dresses.
- Purchase mini champagne glasses, tie a ribbon around the stem, and add some candy.
- Purchase little tulle gift bags or tiny baskets and fill them with candy.
- Purchase little heart boxes (some come with the ribbon already attached, some come without), and add candy to them.
Also consider these ideas for inexpensive wedding favors:
- Make your own personalized candy wrappers. Here’s a template. That way, you can print them on your computer and wrap them around the candy yourself.
- Buy bottles of kid’s bubble making liquid. Replace the label with one of your own featuring your names and the date of your wedding.
- Add some sweet smelling potpouri to a small muslin bag. This makes a great little gift that keeps on giving.