Planning a wedding can be pretty chaotic — not only for the bride, but also for the groom.
That’s why the role of the best man is so important — to help ease some of the craziness for the groom!
Aside from being the “party guy,” there is actually a long list of responsibilities that the best man is in charge of. After all, the best man is technically the #1 assistant to the groom.
So if you have the honor of being a best man and you’re wondering what will be expected of you, following is a complete checklist of best man wedding duties…
In case you’re wondering, here’s how much it costs to be the best man in someone’s wedding and what all goes into that figure.
The Ultimate Checklist Of Best Man Wedding Duties
Things To Do Before The Wedding Day
#1 – Find tuxedos – The best man helps the groom and groomsmen find (and be fitted for) tuxedos. You need to do this right away in order to accommodate any out-of-town groomsmen. (Oh, and don’t forget to pick up the tuxedos before the wedding day!)
#2 – Find accommodations for out-of-town groomsmen – While this isn’t always the case (sometimes the bride and groom take care of this themselves), you should be available to help if needed. Typically, each groomsman pays for his own room.
#3 – Plan the bachelor party – The bachelor party is usually held the weekend prior to the wedding day. The other groomsmen will likely be eager to help you plan this party. The cost of the party is split up among everyone who attends. (And don’t forget a gift for the groom!)Here are some fun ideas for bachelor parties — from simple & cheap to wild & extreme!
#4 – Attend the wedding rehearsal & dinner – These events are typically held the day before the wedding. At the wedding rehearsal, you will find out exactly what you are supposed to be doing during the ceremony — such as how to walk down the aisle and where to stand. The rehearsal dinner follows and is more of a relaxed environment to enjoy good food and friends. The best man is in charge of giving a toast at the rehearsal dinner, so be prepared.
At the rehearsal dinner, many different people will toast the soon-to-be newlyweds during the wedding rehearsal dinner, and the maid of honor and best man may be asked to contribute. This is still a lighthearted event but not as crass as most bachelor parties, and some mild humor, anecdotes, and jokes are entirely appropriate. Source
#5 – Prepare your wedding speech – The best man’s speech should primarily honor the groom, but the bride should also be included in some way. Your best man speech should be respectful, but also funny.
Here are our do’s and don’ts of giving a best man speech.
Things To Do The Day Of The Wedding
Before The Wedding Ceremony…
- Arrange and pay for the limousine (or other transportation) to and from the wedding and reception.
- Arrange for the groom’s formal wear to be at the wedding location. (This may mean getting it there yourself.)
- Transport the groom to the ceremony. (Try to be at least 30 minutes early.)
- Help the groom get dressed. (Make sure all of the groom’s personal items get returned to him afterwards.)
- If there’s anything the groom needs, it’s your job to get it for him.
- Keep the rings in a safe spot until the vows are exchanged.
- Oversee the groomsmen during the ceremony and make sure they’re all aware of their duties.
- Make sure the groom has the marriage license.
During The Wedding Ceremony…
- Escort the maid of honor down the aisle.
- Make sure all groomsmen are ready and standing with the groom.
- Present the rings (if there is no ring bearer).
- Escort the maid of honor down the aisle when the ceremony concludes. Then return to escort the mother of the bride.
After The Wedding Ceremony…
- Make sure payments are given to the officiant and any others who participated in the wedding ceremony.
- Sign the marriage license, as a legal witness of the couple’s marriage.
- Make sure the couple and all guests get to the wedding reception.
- Help the photographer gather everyone for photos.
During The Wedding Reception…
- Along with the maid of honor, act as host and hostess for the reception and greet guests on behalf of the bride and groom. (Make sure the receiving line moves quickly.)
- Give a personalized speech toasting the bride and groom. (Usually, the best man’s speech is the second toast, right after the father of the groom’s speech.)
- Dance with the bride, and the maid of honor.
- Assist the groom in tossing the garter.
- Decorate the bride & groom’s car (enlist the help of the groomsmen).
- See that the couple’s luggage is in the car for the couple’s honeymoon, gather tickets and whatever else is needed for the honeymoon.
- Make sure the groom has somewhere to change, and that he has all the clothes he needs.
After The Wedding Reception…
- Make sure transportation is ready for the couple to head off on their honeymoon.
- Help load and transport wedding gifts.
- Collect all rented tuxedos (and later return them).
- Be on hand to help with anything else that needs to be done before the last person leaves the facility.
- Offer your assistance to the bride’s and groom’s parents at all times.
- For those who provided services at the reception (like the DJ, caterer, etc), make sure they’re paid (or tipped) at the end of the evening.
More Best Man Wedding Ideas
In addition to the links I’ve included above, here are some other resources to help you prepare for your Best Man duties:
- Best Man Wedding Duties
- The Best Man’s Duties In Detail
- What Are The Best Man’s Duties?
- Best Man Wedding Duties & Best Man Speech
- The Role Of The Best Man
- Best Man Wedding Duties: Before, During & After
- How To Be A Great Best Man
- List Of The Best Man’s Responsibilities
- Tongue In Cheek: Duties Of The Best Man