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Make Your Own Save The Date Wedding Video – 7 Fun Examples

If you’re looking for a fun way to announce the date of your wedding to friends and family, then you may want to create a Save The Date wedding video.

I found 8 examples that are really cool!…

Believe it or not, you really don’t even need a video camera!

Save The Date Video Examples

It would be easy to incorporate one or more of the best ideas from these videos to make your very own creative and unique Save The Date wedding video.

As you will see, all of these Save The Date wedding videos are fantastic examples that are filled with lots of fun ideas that you could use in your own Save The Date video.

You’re really only limited by your imagination and whether or not you have access to a video camera.

But as you can see in the first 2 examples, you can even make a slideshow video without having a video camera at all!

Following are some of the best ideas for making a Save The Date wedding video…

Save The Date Wedding Video #1

Most creative idea: Put all of your favorite photos of the 2 of you together into a slideshow!

Take photos of you and your future spouse.

Then, use a software program to add the pictures — along with text and music — to create a personalized video slideshow.

It works very well for a Save The Date wedding video, as seen in both of these examples:

Laguardia Cortez Wedding Save the Date!

Save The Date Wedding Video #2

Most creative idea:  Re-create an entire skit that highlights important points in your relationship!

Yep, you can go completely wild with a video camera and come up with a fun skit (or production) for your Save The Date wedding video. This one is just so darned cute! This Epic Save The Date Trailer was so unique the couple was interviewed on CBS:

Epic Save-The-Date Trailer

Save The Date Wedding Video #3

Most creative idea:Take your favorite romantic movie theme from history and put your own spin on it!

This Save The Date wedding video is so well made, and the costumes are so great that it looks like a full-blown production. I really love it. (Of course, being a fan of Roman and Celtic history certainly helps to explain why I enjoy this one so much.) If you have the financial means, a video camera, and costumes, then you could make a professional quality Save The Date wedding video like this one:

Dan and Jen Save the Date

Save The Date Wedding Video #4

Most creative idea:Stage a fireside chat with your partner!

While I don’t see an actual fireplace in this video, that’s definitely what it gives the illusion of. Actually, what really came to mind the first time I saw this Save The Date video was the mystery movies on PBS where the commentator is sitting in a big overstuffed chair in front of a roaring fire and smoking a pipe while he tells you what that night’s movie is about. This couple’s script looks so natural that I’m not really sure if it was a script or if they were just improvising. That can be something to consider when making your own Save The Date wedding video. Sometimes doing something impromptu — without any planning — can be fun too, as seen here:

Not your average Wedding Invitation

Save The Date Wedding Videos #5 and #6

Most creative idea: Amaze and confuse everyone by playing your entire video in reverse!

Both of these couples’ videos are in reverse all the way leading up to the Save The Date words that are spelled out on the cake. If you do the same thing, those who watch your video won’t have a clue what’s going on up until the very end. So it will be just as interesting for you to watch them watch the video as it will be for them to try to figure out what the heck you’re doing in this seemingly strange video.

Number one SAVE THE DATE

UPDATE:  Save The Date Wedding Video #7

Another classic video of a newly engaged couple that’s worth sharing…

Jeff & Erin's EPIC Wedding Trailer: Save the Date