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DIY Wedding Invitations: 4 Ways To Make Them Yourself

Here’s what you need to know about making DIY wedding invitations yourself — to save money — based on my own experience.

Wedding invitations can be really expensive… to buy.

One way you can save money on your wedding invitations is to make them yourself!

Actually, this can be a very fun project — especially if you’re creative.

Thanks to computers and color printers, it’s easier than ever to make your own wedding invitations at home.

Here are some tips & tools for DIY wedding invitations to get you started…

How To Make Wedding Invitations

#1 – Use a wedding invitation kit. These kits can significantly reduce the cost of having wedding invitations made and give you lots of room to be creative with your wedding invitations. The benefit of using such a kit is the basics are all there for you, you just personalize them to meet your needs!

#2 – If you’re a scrapbooker, then use your scrapbooking skills to make your own wedding invitations. It will probably be a snap for you! Just choose which kind of paper you want and which sequins, buttons, ribbons, and colors etc. you’ll be using. Once you design the first card, it’s simply a matter of duplicating the process for the rest of them. Finally, print what you want for the inside on special paper and then glue it into each card.

#3 – For a greener approach, you could make your wedding invitations on your computer (art and all) and then send your DIY wedding invitations as e-mail attachments — rather than as paper invitations. With a simple graphics program (like Paint.net or GIMP) you can simulate different paper types. I received a wedding invitation from a friend a few years ago that was made this way. I was really surprised at how beautiful it turned out. You can use stock photos and clipart to personalize your own DIY wedding invitations in fun ways.

#4 – If you’re like me and can’t draw worth a lick but want to include fun artwork in your wedding invitations, then you might want to download the free 3D art software Daz Studio and use many of the free props there to create the art for your wedding invitations. Daz Studio does have a bit of a learning curve, but since most people know several months ahead of time that they’re going to get married, chances are you will have plenty of time to make wedding invitations at your own pace. It isn’t difficult — it just takes a little time at first. There are so many different models, props, and such to help you create a piece of art that reflects what you’re looking for with your wedding invitations. Then, it’s just a matter of choosing the paper to print your wedding invitations on (and matching envelopes) and printing them! I’ve seen some very beautiful 3D art wedding invitations. Trust me, you’ll be able to come up with something really stunning this way!

The Bottom Line

These are just a few of the ways you can make your own wedding invitations.

My personal favorite for making DIY invitations is to use my Poser program to create the art. The artwork always ends up looking very realistic.

Also, you can quickly and easily make your own wedding invitations using Canva for FREE! If you decide you want to try the pro version of Canva, here’s my Canva referral link.

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DIY Wedding Invitations - tips and tools to make them yourself at home!